21e6 Capital at the Crypto Assets Conference 2022

21e6 Capital AG
Apr 19, 2022


Our CEO Felix Fernandez and our Head of Marketing & Sales Maximilian Bruckner participated in the Crypto Assets Conference 2022 held from April 4–6, 2022, at the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center. As part of the crypto ecosystem, both engaged actively in the conference. Felix held a presentation on the topic of “Impact of Crypto on Financial Portfolios” addressing downscaling, strategic asset allocation & rebalancing as well as a comparison of static against rolling correlations. Maximilian moderated the panel discussion on “digital asset marketplaces fostering adoption”.

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Get in touch with Felix on LinkedIn or via email.
Get in touch with Maximilian on LinkedIn or via email.

#DLT #crypto #portfolio #conference #paneldiscussion #2022 #Bitcoin



21e6 Capital AG

Our aim is to give professional investors access to the new asset class of “crypto assets”. www.21e6.io